What is a Cash Receipt?

In this busy world, we seldom receive money from our friends, family or company. As an acknowledgement,  we usually write the amount and the purpose of the received payment which is known as cash receipt. Often we write it on a paper or print it using a format. It is a record that is used

List of Airlines in the World

Below is the list of Airlines in no specific order. If you would like to add any airlines to the list, write in the comments. https://www.jetblue.com https://www.brusselsairlines.com https://www.etihad.com https://www.gulfair.com https://www.biman-airlines.com http://www.flyregent.com/ https://usbair.com/ flyadeal.com

Website Resources

A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons – Pretty checkbox  Great Resources on Code snippets for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. – https://www.w3schools.com/howto/default.asp Gradient Animator – https://www.gradient-animator.com/ Typeahed – https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/ http://highslide.com/ – Highslide JS is an image, media and gallery viewer written in JavaScript. Good if you have a lot of images and you want users